Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Industrial and Systems Engineering

Committee Chair

Dawn R. Utley

Committee Member

Phillip A. Farrington

Committee Member

Stephanie B. Reitmeier

Committee Member

Sampson E. Gholston

Committee Member

Julie L. Fortune


Teams in the workplace, Management, Organizational behavior, Personnel management


Teams have evolved from a means of accomplishing work to influencing how work is performed. The success of teams and organizations are linked; however, the literature suggests that teams are not achieving their maximum potential. Successful business strategies must enhance team effectiveness. This research investigated team effectiveness, defined as the combination of team health and team performance. The objective was to understand how team effectiveness varied over time and what factors influenced that variation. This research investigated the use of statistical process control methods to place observed variations in the proper context. Team effectiveness was measured by the Team Success Questionnaire (TSQ) and the results were plotted on control charts. Team leaders logged events each week which were categorized using the Team Performance Construct (TPC). Correlation analysis identified significant correlations between TSQ scores and TPC element. The results show team effectiveness has a natural, random variation over time and control charts are an effective way to understand that variation. The interpretation of the standard tests for special causes and the selection of control limits are important considerations in this application. Correlations were based on both the number of events and a weekly score developed from the nature of events; however, those events with significant correlations did not align with out-of-control signals on the control charts. In summary, the combination of the TSQ and control charts provided a viable means of understanding the variation of team effectiveness. Using standard tests, the control charts were useful is identifying opportunities to improve effectiveness. While significant relationships between events and TSQ score exist, they were not effective in explaining out-of-control signals. Further research will improve the use of this methodology to help teams achieve higher levels of effectiveness.



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