Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Committee Chair

Vistasp M. Karbhari

Committee Member

William R. Wessels

Committee Member

Jeffery L. Evans


Composite materials--Testing, Fibrous composites, Glass fibers--Testing, Epoxy resins


Fiber reinforced polymer composites are increasingly being used for a variety of applications and wet-layup composites are a significant portion of this increasing use. Despite the extensive use of these composites there exists no generic method to determine the long term properties of wet-layup composites when exposed to water, sea water, and alkaline solutions. To begin answering these questions a glass-fiber and epoxy composite, and neat epoxy was subjected to temperature induced accelerated degradation. The resultant data was used with an Arrhenius time-temperature model to develop predictive equations for the mean values of the ultimate strength and the elastic modulus of the material. Additionally the Weibull distribution was fit to the data, and with the assumption that the Weibull shape parameter is a constant, the Weibull distribution can be extended to accompany the predicted mean values, allowing for the inclusion of a measure of dispersion in the prediction.



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