Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)


Chemical and Materials Engineering

Committee Chair

Jeffrey J. Weimer

Committee Member

Anuradha Subramanian

Committee Member

Isaac Torres-Diaz


Quantum dots, Thin films, Monomolecular films, Nanoparticles


Films of quantum dots (QDs) are utilized in applications such as television displays and solar cells because they have unique opto-electrical properties. Highly ordered, uniform thin films of QDs are required to reduce component size/cost, increase efficiency, and facilitate utilization in portable and/or flexible products. The Langmuir film method has been used to create monolayer films of QDs. The issue is that numerous defects such as gaps, voids, aggregates, rings and/or islands formed during the film spreading process make the film less suitable for transfer onto a solid substrate. In this study, we show that decreasing the solvent spreading rate on an immiscible subphase increases the uniformity of the Langmuir film and reduces coffee rings and other defects. We also show that fluorescent QDs can be used as markers to measure spreading rates of liquid on liquid films for quantifiable comparisons to theoretical predictions.



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