"Taking Alabama: Andrew Jackson, National Secutiry, and Alabama, 1812-1" by Hayden Herfurth
Perpetua: The Journal of Undergraduate Research at UAH


College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences




This paper seeks to examine Andrew Jackson’s actions during his time as a general in the Tennessee state militia and his tenure as president of the United States, focusing heavily on events that impacted Alabama and the national security of the United States. Because Alabama was once the fron-tier of the United States, securing it and ousting threats was a crucial factor in the development of the US as a nation, and the steps Jackson took to se-cure this southern frontier as general and statesman were integral in shaping the physical and demo-graphic structure of the United States. To effectively investigate and explain Jackson’s efforts, this essay looks at two events: Jackson’s par-ticipation in the Creek War and his involvement in the creation and execution of the Indian Removal Act. To study these events, this essay analyzes certain primary documents. The main source of information derives from treaties between the US gov-ernment and Native American tribes, but personal correspondences and speeches also provide specific source material to support this paper’s claim that Jackson worked to ensure the national security of the United States by solidifying America’s claim to Alabama and ousting its many threats.



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