Volume 1, Issue 1 (2016)
Full Issue
Front Matter
Abnormal social behavior in mice with tyrosinemia type I is associated with hypermye-lination of the cerebral cortex
Marissa E. Moore
Web-Based Existential Graph Editor Tool
Spencer Bowen, Matthew Daigle, Irene Kasian, Telly Polychroniades, and Jason Thomas
Antonio's Lament: "Mightily Abused" in Twelfth Night
Quintin Walton
Reading Historical Photographs
Emily Pate

- Editor-in-Chief
- Lauren Fisher
- Assistant Editor-in-Chief
- Kelsey McKee
- Managing Editor
- Robert McDonald
- Production Editors
- Jake Nelson
- James Shelton
- Business Editor
- Kristina Faw
- Operations Staff
- Stephen Morgan
- Rebecca Stillwell
- Jacob Wintzell