"Observations on the Reproductive Biology of the Darter Fish Etheostoma" by Zeina Sleiman and Corinne Peacher
Perpetua: The Journal of Undergraduate Research at UAH


College of Science


Biological Sciences


Etheostoma kennicotti, the stripetail darter, is found in streams in Tennessee, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi. The specimens for this study were collected in Estillfork in Jackson County, Alabama from August 2016 to June 2017 [12]. After collection and dissection, data were found to illustrate a peak reproduction period during the months of March to May 2017. The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not parasitic infection affected fecundity within the species as well as to contribute information for E. kennicotti, an otherwise poorly studied species. Parasitic load was found to be highest in the month of March and steadily decreased as the reproductive season progressed. Similar trends were found in the mean intensity of infection. There was a negative correlation between mean intensity and clutch size in that the clutch sizes increased into the month May, the end of reproductive season.



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