Volume 2, Issue 2 (2018)
Full Issue
Front Matter
North Alabama Ecological Forecasting: Spatial Modeling of the Fragmentation of Local Species Habitat from Increasing Urbanization in North Alabama
Helen Baldwin, Emily Kinkle, and Nicholas McVey
Measuring the Effects of the Alexander Technique on Posture and Tension in Student Violinists and Violists
Rebekah Frederick
Gentrification and Police Brutality
LaDeana Phillips
Observations on the Reproductive Biology of the Darter Fish Etheostoma kennicotti in Response to Gill Parasite Infections
Zeina Sleiman and Corinne Peacher

- Editor-in-Chief
- Emily Hartsell
- Assistant Editor-in-Chief
- James Shelton
- Review Board Coordinators
- Augustus Wintzell
- Ali Sultan
- Production Editor
- James Shelton
- Finance Editor
- Andrea Charnock
- Web Editor
- Danielle Bryant
- Peer Review Staff
- Patrick Taylor
- Ben Tran
- Production Staff
- Alex Matlock
- Maxwell Fox
- Finance Staff
- Calvin J. Mahlik
- Web Design Staff
- Nehal Patel
- Marketing Intern
- Amber Brasher