Volume 3, Issue 2 (2019)
Full Issue
Front Matter
Puget Sound Water Resources: Evaluating Methods for Identification and Monitoring of Factors in the Puget Sound that Indicate Eutrophication and Hypoxia
Christine Evans, Emily Kinkle, Yu Han, and Helen Baldwin-Zook
The Pilot Shortage Explained
Hans Gorowsky
Effects of a Weighted Pitching Sleeve on Range of Motion, Shoulder Strength, and Throwing Velocity in Collegiate-Aged Baseball Players
William Myers, Chelsea George, Heath McRae, and Adam McMahan
The Effect of Familiar Location on Upper Body Strength Testing Using the 1RM Bench Press
Noah Pring and Maggi Welch

- Editor-in-Chief
- James Shelton
- Peer Review Editors
- Manohar Devarasetty
- Ben Tran
- Ali Sultan
- Finance Editor
- Calvin Mahlik
- Marketing Editors
- Vasuthasri Devarasetty
- Emily Hartsell
- Production Editor
- Maxwell Fox
- Editorial Staff
- Steven Allen
- Revathi Panuganti
- Kerri Ballance
- Ashley Terry