
Zhiqiang Wu

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Computer Science

Committee Chair

Letha Etzkorn

Committee Member

Timothy S. Newman

Committee Member

Sampson Gholston

Committee Member

Daniel Rochowiak

Committee Member

Huaming Zhang


Ontologies (Information retrieval), Data mining, Semantic Web


When matching different semantically tagged web service interfaces in the semantic web, it is often necessary to map one ontology to another ontology at runtime, on the fly. In many cases, knowing which nodes are the best nodes to start the matching process before the process begins (which are called anchor nodes) can make the ontology matching much easier. Traditionally, anchor node selection has been performed by humans. However, this is not practical for on-the-fly situations, occurring at runtime. Here we validate a methodology for determining anchor nodes automatically. Our results are shown to be successful, meaning that we were able to create equations based on various metrics that enabled us to fairly accurately identify anchor nodes.



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