Date of Award


Document Type

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



Committee Chair

Darlene Showalter

Committee Member

Kelly McFee


African American girls--Health, Body image in girls, Self-esteem, Yoga, Small groups, Handicraft


The literature posits body dissatisfaction in the adolescent maturational period is a risk factor for the development of numerous negative health outcomes. These include but are not limited to; depressive symptoms, suicide, low self-esteem, unsafe sexual behaviors, onset of smoking, poor academic achievement, and overweight/obesity. The female adolescent African American population suffers disparately from health issues associated with cultural and normative influences that impact body image, self-esteem, and physical activity. Hence, the importance of early risk assessment and intervention. In the literature, school-based body image programs have been shown to improve body image in adolescent girls. African American girls represent a marginalized and underrepresented group in terms of culturally responsive interventions that seek to mitigate negative health outcomes that they are disproportionately burdened with. This project targeted the female African American adolescent population (ages 10-15) to participate in a program to enhance positive body image, self-esteem, and physical activity. A total of 20 participants were recruited for this project. Results showed there was a statistically significant median increase in Body Appreication Scores (4.55) for post intervention compared to pre intervention (4.33), and statistically significant median increase in Self- Esteem Scores (30.55) for post intervention compared to pre intervention (29.55). However, there was not a statistically significant difference in physical activity scores. The outcomes of this project underscore how nurses can be at the forefront for continued development of culturally tailored interventions that target under researched and diverse populations given these interventions have great potential for significant impact and sustainability.

Available for download on Thursday, November 06, 2025
