
Amanda Pryor

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Chair

Sandra Carpenter

Committee Member

Aurora Torres

Committee Member

Jodi Price


Virtual work teams, Teams in the workplace, Virtual reality in management


Prior research has investigated the benefits that cross-training can have on a number of team outcomes, including performance, transactive memory, team efficacy, and interpositional knowledge. The present study examined the effect that different types of cross-training can have on these outcomes. Rotational and clarification cross-training were predicted to result in better team performance than own-role training alone. Transactive memory, team efficacy, task interdependency, and interpositional knowledge were predicted to mediate this relationship. Results indicate that cross-training had no effect on team performance, which could have been the consequence of information overload or a weak manipulation. Cross-training did significantly impact transactive memory, but not team efficacy, interpositional knowledge, or task interdependency.



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