Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Atmospheric Science

Committee Chair

John Mecikalski

Committee Member

Gary Jedlovec

Committee Member

Udaysankar Nair


GOES (Meteorological satellite), Infrared spectroscopy, Meteorology--Remote sensing, MODIS (Spectroradiometer)


Red-Green-Blue (RGB) composites combine information from several spectral channels into one composite image, enabling forecasters to make decisions in a more efficient and timely manner. However, the limb effect, a result of an increasing optical path length of the absorbing atmosphere as view angle increases, interferes with the qualitative interpretation of RGB composites. Additionally, subtle channel differences between sensors make the comparison of similar composites from multiple sensors difficult. Infrared channels can be corrected for limb effects using latitudinally and seasonally varying limb correction coefficients, which account for an increasing optical path length, in order to produce corrected RGB composites. This study develops a technique to correct for limb effects and demonstrates the improved functionality of corrected Air Mass, Dust, and Night Microphysics RGB composites through multiple case studies. Corrected RGB composites provide multiple advantages over uncorrected RGBs, including improved situational awareness and increased confidence in the interpretation of RGB features.



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