"An exploratory study in nowcasting convective winds using c-band dual " by Patrick Wayne White

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Atmospheric Science

Committee Chair

Larry D. Carey

Committee Member

Kevin Knupp

Committee Member

Phillip Bitzer


Hail, Radar meteorology, Doppler radar, Polariscope, Convection (Meteorology)


This study was conducted to provide insight into the ability to nowcast severe convective winds using C-band dual polarimetric radar. C-band polarimetric radar was used to identify hail melting signatures. These signatures are observed as increasing differential reflectivity (Zdr) below the melting level. The use of C-band polarimetric radar was also used to identify and quantify small hail or graupel available for the hail melting process. The study found that Zdr values increasing to at least 3 dB and a quantifiable precipitation ice of at least 6 kg/m2 were observed for each convective wind case. Compared to the null cases, the ice precipitation was higher for 3 out of 4 of the confirmed convective wind cases. An overlap between estimated enhanced melting layer and the steep sub-cloud lapse rate was observed. Polarimetric radar can provide greater detail in precipitation processes than what is provided with single polarimetric, Doppler radars.



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