"Role of surface topology on wetting of complex surfaces" by Javier Sanchez Santiago

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Chemical and Material Engineering

Committee Chair

Ramon Cerro

Committee Member

Chien-Pin Chen

Committee Member

Emanuel A. Waddell


Capillarity, Surfaces, Surface chemistry


Wetting and capillary phenomena are important components of chemical engineering processes. Most if not all wetting and capillary phenomena can be explained based on three fundamental tools: (1) the Young-Laplace equation describing curvature of interfaces, (2) the static contact angle relating macroscopic measurements to molecular forces and (3) the effect of solid surface microstructures on interfaces near the three-phase contact line. To understand the role of surface microstructure this thesis revisited a series of experiments started by Brook Taylor and reported by Francis Hauksbee (1712) more than 300 years ago on capillary rise between glass planes forming a narrow wedge and in parallel configuration. New experiments plus theoretical analysis and computational work were performed to develop better understanding of the role of solid microstructure on extreme capillary phenomena such as super-hydrophobic surfaces and to explain the puzzling character of the most interesting experiments performed by Hauksbee (1713b).



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