Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Committee Chair

Azita Amiri

Committee Member

Haley Hoy

Committee Member

Marsha H. Adams


Nicotine, Electronic cigarettes


Electronic nicotine delivery devices (e-cigarettes) have increased in popularity over the past decade and new research will benefit the community, especially healthcare providers, as they will be providing education. To conduct this study, a Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices survey was administered to students on one college campus using Qualtrics software. Results revealed that 99.4% of students were aware of e-cigarettes, 55.2% had friends who used them, 54% viewed them as safer than cigarettes, 26.3% were unaware of chemicals used, 62.7% were bothered by their use, 58.3% supported ban placements (especially females), and 55.5% thought they could be effective for smoking cessation. More students reported using e-cigarettes over regular cigarettes at 8.5% vs. 5.9%. All reported e-cigarette users were Caucasian and had friends who used them. This study deepens the understanding of perceptions of e-cigarettes among this population and gains access to the opinions of college students regarding these products.



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