Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science

Committee Chair

Timothy S. Newman

Committee Member

Chao Peng

Committee Member

Haeyong Chung


Information visualization, Computer graphics


This thesis describes the development and evaluation of two new isocontouring algorithms, the Improved Marching Squares Subdivided into Triangles (IMSST) and the hybrid algorithm. They are based on an existing algorithm, MSST (Marching Squares Subdivided into Triangles). The main goal of these new algorithms is to gen- erate an isocontour that follows the shape of the bilinear interpolant more closely than the MSST while also addressing the ambiguity problem of MSST. IMSST performs quadratic interpolation on the subdividing, diagonal edge used by MSST. It generates an isocontour closely matching the bilinear interpolant. The other algorithm, hybrid algorithm, in some cells chooses between linear and quadratic interpolation on the diagonal edge to produce a closely matching result. Evaluations of the algorithms based on their accuracy and performance are also described.



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