"Storytelling elements in NASA case studies" by Giulia E. Palma

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)


Industrial and Systems Engineering and Engineering Management

Committee Chair

Bryan L. Mesmer

Committee Member

Kristin Weger

Committee Member

Paul Collopy


Communication in engineering, Storytelling


The goal of this thesis is to improve communication in engineering by understanding how storytelling elements are being used in engineering and how they could be used. Storytelling is an effective communication mean since it is a natural way in which humans think and verbalize their thoughts. For this reason, the author explores the possibility of introducing storytelling elements to engineering communication. Storytelling elements are identified to be used as metrics in the analysis of a case studies collection. The case studies collection was studied for patterns in the content. A human experiment was conducted using the backstory structure element to re-write a NASA case study. The experiment data was analyzed to understand which backstory structure was the most effective in memory retention. Results from the experiment showed no statistical significance between students’ performance and backstory structure type, showing that a more detailed background does not improve memory retention.



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