"Solid-liquid phase equilibria near a critical point of solution" by Xingjian Wang


Xingjian Wang

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Committee Chair

James K. Baird

Committee Member

Lingze Duan

Committee Member

Ming Sun


Critical phenomena (Physics), Liquid-liquid equilibrium, Phase rule and equilibrium


Three experiments, including the dissolution of barium chromate in the isobutyric acid (IBA) + water and the dissolution of lead sulfate and lead iodide in the IBA + water, were performed to test the Griffiths and Wheeler postulate which predicts that when one density is held fixed, there should be a critical effect. The same critical effects on the solubility of both physical and chemical solid-liquid equilibria is predicted by the critical point universality. The existence and the strength of critical divergences can also be predicted by to the Griffiths and Wheeler postulates and the Gibbs phase rule analysis. The nature and sign of any observed critical solubility effect are well understood using the van’t Hoff and Gibbs-Kelvin equations. From the data of barium chromate experiment, we use the spline fit method to determine the critical exponent of solubility equals β.



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