Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Committee Chair

Kader Frendi

Committee Member

L. Dale Thomas

Committee Member

Sivaguru S. Ravindran


Turbulence--Mathematical models, Fluid dynamics


A new Partially Averaged Navier-Stokes (PANS) bridging model has been derived from existing (k-ω) and (k-ε) PANS formulations using Menter’s approach. The model was tested with well-known benchmark wall-bounded and free-shear flows: a backward facing step and a circular cylinder, respectively. The simulation results are compared to existing experimental data and previous simulations using (k-ω) and (k-ε) PANS. The bridging model was shown to be superior at predicting velocity profiles in both flows. Prediction of Reynolds stresses also showed improvement. Several inlet conditions were studied for the backward facing step. Imposition of a turbulent boundary layer profile at the inlet improved velocity predictions near the step, whereas random inlet velocity perturbations showed little effect on the solution. The effect of spanwise domain size was studied for the backward facing step. A span width of three step heights was shown to be sufficiently large to preclude adverse boundary effects.



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