Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Atmospheric and Earth Science

Committee Chair

Kevin R. Knupp

Committee Member

Lawrence D. Carey

Committee Member

Phillip Bitzer


Winds--Speed--Measurement, Winds--Speed--Radar


Dense profiling networks that have been used in previous studies have utilized a variety of wind profilers (radar wind profilers, Doppler sodars, Doppler lidars, and scanning radars) to capture boundary layer (BL) heterogeneity. The many profilers that are used not only implement different retrieval schemes, but also have differ- ing sample volumes and beam widths. Because these systems can have different footprints and even different temporal averaging, some of these systems may not cap- ture small-scale or short period horizontal variations across the BL. Utilizing data that is routinely collected by Mobile Atmospheric Profiling Network (MAPNet) plat- forms at the Severe Weather Institute Radar and Lightning Laboratories (SWIRLL), a comparison of several wind profiling instruments has been completed. Compar- isons include detailed examples of wind profile intercomparisons within varying BL conditions. Findings show relatively good comparison between each instrument with biases and errors often dependent on nominal operating conditions as well as transient biological scatterers.



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