
Dan Pham

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science

Committee Chair

Haeyong Chung

Committee Member

Jacob Hauenstein

Committee Member

Letha Etzkorn


Earth sciences--Data sets, Information visualization, Storytelling


To fill in the gap between the data vendors, who want to promote commercial datasets, and Earth Science researchers, who want an accessible method to the valuable datasets, the “Data in Action” story concept has been adopted by the NASA Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program to encourage creating and sharing data information in story form. To aid researchers in exploring similar stories in their fields of interest, this researcher created an “Influence Network” within the “Data in Action” framework. The Influence Network is a data visualization feature which gathers information related to story relationships using a concept called “influence.” The researcher defines this concept based on the number of visits and keyword similarity between stories. By visualizing influence flows between stories, the researcher aims to assist authors in understanding how their readers perceive their stories and advancing their methods to deliver more meaningful stories.



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