Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Committee Chair

Naga Venkat Adurthi

Committee Member

Robert Frederick

Committee Member

Jason Cassibry


Orbit determination--Mathematical models, Cubature formulas


This paper aims to examine the viability of using cubature methods, instead of the computationally expensive Monte Carlo method, to model cislunar orbits. The cubature methods examined are the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) and Conjugate Unscented Transform (CUT). This study considers only specific halo and cycler orbits with no perturbations or propulsion systems. Orbits were modeled by choosing a most likely initial condition, generating sigma points, propagating those sigma points forwards in time, and calculating the average final state. It found that cubature methods can model cislunar orbits far more efficiently than the Month Carlo method, at the cost of some accuracy. Furthermore, higher-order CUT methods had similar efficiency and higher accuracy than lower-order methods. Therefore, for the conditions examined, higher-order methods can be used instead of lower-order methods and could be a viable alternative to the Monte Carlo method in cases where computational efficiency is valued over accuracy.



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