Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science

Committee Chair

Tathagata Mukheerjee

Committee Member

Vineetha Menon

Committee Member

Sundar Christopher


Data transmission systems, Cloud computing


My dissertation focuses on developing a High-performance, Scalable, and Efficient Data Transfer Framework with Configurable and Extensible Features. The exponential growth of high-volume data poses collaboration challenges for big data providers, particularly in global-scale scientific research. The Earth’s scientific sector experiences an ongoing trend of increasing temporal and spatial data resolution, resulting in massive data archives at organizations like NASA, ESA, and JAXA. To facilitate efficient scientific study with partner agencies worldwide, data transfer solutions must handle this vast data volume across platforms at reasonable costs. The dissertation proposes a 3-phase approach (Analysis, Evaluation, and Implementation) to address the implementation of the data transfer solution. The evaluation challenge is addressed by building a system that assesses available technologies for high-volume, high-velocity cloud-based data transfer solutions and a suitable solution is finally selected. The final implementation is constructed with an orchestration layer, a catalog server, and a dashboard around this solution. As a use case, this system is tested using the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-2 data archive, which is transferred from cloud servers in mainland Europe to NASA AWS servers in the US-west-2 area.



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