
Joshua Bonner

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Committee Chair

Jacob Heerikhuisen

Committee Member

Larry D. Carey

Committee Member

Lingze Duan


Pulse compression radar, Radar defense networks, Electronic surveillance


The scope is to fill in a gap of detecting targets using low power, small size radars. The main objective of this thesis is to show, through simulation, that a small, low power radar can be theoretically designed using standard radar principles to accomplish said task. The primary method used in this thesis is to ascertain the conclusion with two separate Matlab Simulations. First, the design of a radar to detect human sized targets moving along the ground and secondly, detection of small arms fire aimed towards helicopters were used as the primary examples. The results show that a human sized target can be detected up to a maximum of 4 km away using a radar with a power of 150 watts and a bullet up to several hundred meters using 1000 watts of power. The simulations show that such a radar is theoretical and mathematically plausible within the constraints.



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