Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil Engineering

Committee Chair

Ashraf Al-Hamdan

Committee Member

Michael D. Anderson


Water-supply--Ala.bama--Management, Hydrological stations--Ala.bama


This research tackles the crucial challenge of estimating low flow statistics - the 90th percentile flow duration (Q90) and the minimum 7-day, 10-year average flow (7Q10), Irrigation Potential Index (IPI)- at ungauged hydrological stations in Alabama. Given the state's variable water availability for irrigation, and lack of sustainable water resource management and agricultural planning, these statistics are essential for defining realistic and applicable criteria for water quality and quantity. Central to our study is the calculation of the Irrigation Potential Index (IPI), a key determinant of the state's water resource management capabilities. Our methodology begins with calculating Q90 and 7Q10 values for gauged stations, then extrapolating these estimates to ungauged locations using geographical and climatic attributes. The study's goal is to provide a novel, robust method for estimating IPI and low flow statistics of Q90 at ungauged stations.



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