
Benjamin Byrd

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Physics and Astronomy

Committee Chair

Massimiliano Bonamente

Committee Member

Stephen Walker

Committee Member

Richard Lieu


Galaxies--Formation--Computer simulation


This thesis presents the current progress towards deriving a scaling relation between the Luminosity density and the density of the Warm Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) located inside of filaments of the Illustris The Next Generation simulation 300-1 at redshift z=0. The filaments are located using the DisPerSE algorithm. This paper also presents a memory-efficient manner of performing nearest neighbor searches for large data sets for small dimensionality via the K Dimensional Tree, which enabled the limitation of the WHIM exterior to halos of the full simulation. The limited WHIM was binned into 6003 cells with a side length of .505 Mpc. The same was done for the LD with a Gaussian smoothing parameter of 1.2. The current best linear fit has a slope of 0.75688 ± 0.00659 and an intercept of -0.41329 ± 0.00641. This is a preliminary result that is still undergoing refinement.



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