"Reproductive timing of the scarlet shiner (Lythrurus fasciolaris) in n" by Toacca Taylor


Toacca Taylor

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Biological Sciences

Committee Chair

Bruce Stallsmith

Committee Member

Luciano Matzkin

Committee Member

Yong Wang


Fishes--Flint River (Tenn. and Ala.)--Reproduction, Fasciolariidae, Flint River (Tenn. and Ala.)


A key aspect to understanding a species' life history and ecological relationships is the species' schedule of reproduction. Knowledge about the reproductive biology of imperiled North American cyprinids is necessary for reversing population declines. Lythrurus fasciolaris, the Scarlet Shiner, is one species that needs better knowledge of its life history and ecological relationships. In an effort to understand reproductive ecology of the Scarlet Shiner, a 15-month study was performed along a 10 km length of the Flint River in northern Alabama. Based on the gonadosomatic index (fraction of body mass contributed by ovarian mass) of adult female Scarlet Shiners, peak reproductive activity occurs in May. Evidence suggests spawning season is from April until late August. This evidence can be helpful in developing potential conservation efforts for protection of this species and similar species that share its habitat.



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