
Chloe L. Wood

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Chair

Jodi Price

Committee Member

Aurora Torres

Committee Member

Kristin Weger

Research Advisor

Jodi Price


Employees--Training of--Computer assisted instruction, Instructional systems--Design


Employee training is considered critical for organization success legitimacy. The present study investigated the effects of four different online training methods on post- test recall. Student participants from UAH viewed one of four types of videos covering diversity, equity, and inclusion concepts--generative scenarios in which participants generated a label for what the scenarios covered, descriptive scenarios that included a label, a control with scenarios, and a control with no scenarios. Scenarios involved school-based and work-based examples to assess how the relevance of context for student non-workers versus student-workers impacted recall. A repeated measures ANOVA revealed that across all four conditions participants showed improved performance after watching the DEI training videos; however, there were no differences between training methods and there were no significant differences in the recall performance of work-and school-based scenarios between student workers and student non-workers. We can conclude from our research that video-based training methods enhanced learning.

wood 10979 suppl 1.mp4 (50000 kB)
The generative DEI training video

wood 10979 suppl 2.mp4 (38223 kB)
The descriptive DEI training video

wood 10979 suppl 3.mp4 (36668 kB)
The control scenario DEI training video

wood 10979 suppl 4.mp4 (13276 kB)
The control no scenario DEI training video



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