
Logan Towers

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Committee Chair

Jason T. Cassibry

Committee Member

Robert A. Frederick

Committee Member

Gabriel Xu

Research Advisor

Jason T. Cassibry


Pulsed power systems--Design and construction, Pulsed power systems--Reliability


This thesis details the design, construction, and testing of a 1 megaampere (MA) class pulsed power system (PPS) named Sparky. Sparky's creation stemmed from the desire to explore subscale fusion experiments, where a strong correlation between fusion yield and peak current has been observed. The system offers reconfigurability through diverse load attachments enabling it to deliver currents ranging from 105 to 106 amps and cater to various experimental needs. Sparky is a 60 kJ capacitor bank consisting of six 13.5 µF capacitors rated at a maximum charging voltage of 35 kV. Most of our tests, which consisted of discharging Sparky through a dummy load of fifteen parallel 12 cm long cables, were performed at 25 kV. The peak current measured with magnetic field probes was 900 kA, and the circuit rang with a period of 13 µs. A single test into a vacuum chamber, in which a pair of cables was connected between Sparky and the chamber, gave a current of 360 kA and a circuit ringing period of 50 µs for a charging voltage of 25 kV. Development of the subsystems needed for safe control, especially the triggering system, yielded valuable insights into the safe and reliable operation of 1 MA class machines. These insights arose from overcoming various challenges and unforeseen events encountered during testing. This included events such as energetic component failure, unforeseen grounding paths and switching issues. Each of these insights served as a valuable learning experience, informing future iterations and paving the way for a safer and more reliable design.



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