
Erick Jones

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science

Committee Chair

Huaming Zhang

Committee Member

Jacob Hauenstein

Committee Member

Deepak Acharya

Research Advisor

Huaming Zhang


Radar meteorology, image processing, Neural networks (Computer Science), Machine learning


In the field of radar meteorology, a perpetual problem is removal of so-called anomalous propagation (AP), i.e. non-precipitation echoes, from the produced images. Much work has been done in this area already, including conventional heuristic algorithms as well as machine-learning systems such as neural networks. Often the focus is on certain familiar radar architectures such as WSR-88D, also known as NEXRAD. However, a large number of radars exist which are not identical to NEXRAD; and there are also environmental differences such as RF interference which can affect the success rate of existing AP removal strategies. The focus of this paper is to present a flexible machine-learning system for this task which provides a convenient training interface, so it can be adapted to the specific conditions present at any given radar site to create a customized filter. We have named this system ClearScan.



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