
Farzana Hoque

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Committee Chair

Aleksandar Milenkovic

Committee Member

Aubrey Beal

Research Advisor

Biswajit Ray


Static random access memory--Effect of environment on, Static random access memory--Reliability, Computer security


Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) memory is prevalent as cache memory in computing platforms and embedded systems. SRAM frequently stores essential information such as cryptographic keys, passwords, and other confidential data. Consequently, a data remanence-based attack on SRAM can result in significant damage. When power is removed, SRAM gradually loses data rather than immediately, especially at lower temperatures. This phenomenon, known as data remanence, poses a significant security risk, as it can be exploited through cold boot attacks targeting encryption keys and other sensitive data. Understanding temperature-induced vulnerabilities in embedded SRAM is crucial for enhancing the security and reliability of embedded systems, especially in IoT devices. This master’s Thesis examines the impact of temperature on the data remanence characteristics of embedded SRAM in the 16-bit MSP430F5529 microcontroller developed by Texas Instruments. The research included conducting practical data remanence attack at low temperatures to assess their impact on modern embedded SRAM . The experimental method involved writing a specific image to the SRAM, observing its retention over time by toggling power, and comparing the retained data to the original to determine data loss percentages. Our findings show that, at -25°C, data showed nearly perfect retention for up to 800 milliseconds for known images. These results underscore the potential security vulnerabilities of embedded SRAM memory when subjected to low-temperature data remanence attacks.



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