"Modeling the impacts of land use/land cover change on hydrological dyn" by Nina Copeland


Nina Copeland

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Atmospheric and Earth Science

Committee Chair

Robert Griffin

Committee Member

Emil Cherrington

Committee Member

Sundar Christopher

Committee Member

Betzy Hernández Sandoval

Research Advisor

Robert Griffin


Hydrologic models--Belize River (Guatemala and Belize), Watershed management--Belize, Land cover--Belize, Land use--Belize


Forest cover loss from land cover/land use (LCLU) change (LCLUC) can alter watershed hydrology. The primary goal of this study was to understand how LCLUC in the Belize River Watershed (BRW) impacted streamflow and related hydrological dynamics from 2000 to 2020 using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). The main objectives were to (1) calibrate and improve the accuracy of the SWAT model using in-situ streamflow data, (2) investigate the predominant LCLUCs leading to forest cover loss in the BRW, and (3) examine changes in streamflow and related hydrological dynamics in the BRW comparing four LCLU scenarios. Findings showed that LCLUC, primarily from forest conversion to agricultural areas and shrublands, led to increased monthly mean streamflow. Stronger local changes in hydrology occurred in subbasins experiencing more LCLUC. The framework outlined in this research demonstrates the potential of SWAT applications for environmental resource management in Belize.



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