"Validation of an instrument to measure United States healthcare provid" by Randall Hall Alban

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Committee Chair

Ellise D. Adams


Palliative treatment, Terminal care, Hospice care, Death--Social aspects


Palliative care implemented early, at the time of a diagnosis of a life-limiting disease, has been shown to have multiple benefits for patients with life-limiting chronic illnesses as well as potentially positive financial benefits for payers. The reasons that early palliative care (EPC) has not been more widely implemented include financial resource limitations and personnel limitations. Data is absent regarding the attitudes and beliefs of United States healthcare providers regarding EPC. The initial literature review revealed that only two surveys of attitudes and beliefs of providers had been done with respect to providing palliative care, but these were done in China and Japan, where the medical systems are vastly different compared to the United States medical system. This research is focused on developing an instrument that measures the attitudes and beliefs of United States healthcare providers in a valid and meaningful way. This thesis outlines the development and validation of an instrument titled `United States Healthcare Provider Attitudes and Beliefs Regarding Early Palliative Care'. This instrument may facilitate studies investigating healthcare outcomes, patient reported outcomes, quality of healthcare care provided, financial and economic impacts on patients and the healthcare system, and it may provide insight into some behavioral aspects of delivering early palliative care in the United States.



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