
Suresh Avula

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Committee Chair

Emil Jovanov

Committee Member

Karen Frith

Committee Member

Aleksandar Milenkovic

Research Advisor

Emil Jovanov


Human locomotion--Health risk assessment, Human locomotion--Monitoring, Wearable technology, Smartwatches, Mobile apps


Regular assessment of mobility can detect changes in physical health over time and discover underlying health issues. Some of these changes in mobility may indicate an increased risk of falls, which can lead to serious injuries. Identifying mobility changes can help prevent these incidents. Wearable technology can facilitate mobility tests at home and alert caregivers or medical professionals to any irregularities and promote proactive healthcare. Adoption of smartwatches with various built-in sensors like accelerometer and gyroscope creates new opportunities for wearable health monitoring. We developed the Smartwatch Application Suite to evaluate functional mobility using standard mobility tests: Timed Up and Go Test, Thirty Second Chair Stand Test, and Two Minute Walk Test. The application suite was implemented and tested on Samsung Galaxy 4 smartwatch. The applications process signals from inertial sensors, generate mobility parameters, and save all signals and results on the medical server. We present implementation and verification of the application suite.



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